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Use of the “Devil’s Drug” Flakka is on the rise
Author: Phil Kosanovich
Published: February 22, 2016

α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone – aka Flakka is a synthetic stimulant which is highly addictive and extremely inexpensive to buy on the street. For about $5 this imported drug from China can cause an immediate rush which quickly turns into rampant paranoia, hallucinations, abnormal strength and elevated vital signs.

In Florida it is quickly becoming an epidemic with some treatment facilities reporting up to 20% of their clients addicted to this new drug. Many, however, have been turned away from treatment due to the extremely high rate of relapse associated with its use. In Broward County at least 60 people have already died from causes directly linked to this drug within the last 14 months.

There have been numerous reports of addicts high on Flakka doing insane things like running through the streets naked , climbing then jumping off of high bridges in paranoid attempts to flee from imaginary followers.

We at Cornerstone of Southern California are very concerned about this new substance of abuse and the incredible damage it is already causing.