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Stay Positive and Exude Gratitude!
Author: Phil Kosanovich
Published: May 11, 2016
stay positive and exude gratitude

Happiness is an active choice that we make each moment of every day. Abraham Lincoln once said: “Most people are about as happy as they make their minds to be.” It is true that your family genetics, general health, brain structure, exercise levels and other external factors play into your happiness, but a positive mental outlook can make all the difference. In your everyday personal life and in the workplace when you make a serious effort to increase positive emotions and self-perception you not only help yourself but your help all of the people close to you as well. Tell people how much they mean to you more often, say ‘thank you’ more, smile and live in the moment. Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future are not only unhealthy but they are unproductive ventures as well.

Do all you can each day to reframe negative thinking into a new positive outlook. It’s all in how you look at things!

When asked if the cup is half empty or half full respond with, “At least I have a cup!”

Create opportunities to express gratitude as much as you can.  Help yourself and others by shifting focus to what works in life and appreciating it instead of dwelling on what doesn’t. Creating a personal culture of gratitude and appreciation can dispel doubts and negativity in your environment. This allows you and those around you to shift perspectives on life and stay on the bright side.

Try a simple method to stay positive:  reflect on the past day, week, or month and think about three people who have helped you during that time. Maybe they have done something for you that you could not have done for yourself. Maybe they said something helpful or insightful. Or they just listened and acted as a sounding board. Sit for a few minutes and notice the feelings that emerge when you focus on the kind and generous contributions others make in your life. Acknowledge the interdependence between your current level of well-being and success, and the generosity and contribution of those around you. This will help open everyone’s eyes to the natural reality of gratitude leading to happiness.

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