Cornerstone of Southern California, Celebrating 40 Years
Call (714) 547-5375
Dr Michael Stone MD: Why I opened Cornerstone 32 years ago
Author: Phil Kosanovich
Published: August 26, 2016
Cornerstone of Southern California

In 1983 many of my patients in the hospital where I was employed were being discharged early due to the insurance companies refusing any further treatment. I felt that many of my patients, although medically safe to leave the hospital, were in no way ready to go home. So, I decided to open a sober living house in order to continue to help them after they were discharged.

In those days the hospital was charging $1200/day plus doctor and other charges to the insurance. When asked to leave the hospital I transferred a few to my first home. The cost was then $20/day – food and care included. We soon named the house Cornerstone of Southern California and proceeded to license it with the state of California.

Over the past 32 years we have become the best, most ethical, family owned and operated addiction treatment system. We now have 16 fully licensed and certified Recovery Homes in the surrounding cities of Santa Ana, Orange and Tustin.

Unfortunately, over the years many facilities have sprung up doing very questionable treatment practices and are mostly owned by investment teams and bankers with an extremely strong profit motive and not only poor ethics but also taking part in blatantly fraudulent business practices.

Cornerstone of Southern California takes great pride in our ethical treatment and has not and will never be a part of questionable or outright fraudulent practices. Cornerstone was founded to help addicts find lasting sobriety and after 32 years we will continue to promote ethical treatment practices and effective treatment programs.