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Tips to tame stress
Author: Phil Kosanovich
Published: March 25, 2016

Are you irritable and frustrated due to too much stress in your life? Our case managers here at Cornerstone have come up with a few simple tips to reduce your stress level and restore serenity. These tips won’t take a lot of time and can help to bring your life back into balance.

Get out and get active

Any form of physical activity will work for you as a stress reducer. You do not have to be an athlete and it doesn’t matter if you are out of shape – daily exercise is always good for you and will relieve your stress.

When you are active your endorphins will naturally increase and in turn will enhance your overall sense of happiness and well-being. Being active also naturally helps your mind to focus on your movements which takes your mind off of all the other things that may be ‘stressing you out’. Simple forms of exercise include walking, running, swimming, gardening, biking or lifting weights.

Laugh and be silly

We all know how good it can feel to have a good belly laugh. Laughter also releases endorphins that make you feel more positive and happy. So tell a few bad jokes or watch a good comedy – it will definitely make you feel better.

Connect with friends and family

Our instinct when stressed may be to isolate from others in order to deal with it but this is actually the opposite of what you should do to deal with your stress. You should reach out to others, friends and family, and make connections socially. This works due to offering your mind a distraction from the thoughts that are causing your stress and also will provide support from others in dealing with your ups and downs. Stay out of your head, maybe even try volunteering. By helping others we help ourselves.