Cornerstone of Southern California, Celebrating 40 Years
Call (714) 547-5375

IMS helps promote safety in treatment services provided by a licensed health care practitioner at a residential treatment facility dealing with medical issues associated with detoxification or while providing alcoholism or drug abuse recovery.

Up until 2016 alcohol or drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities were not permitted to provide IMS. Assembly Bill 848 amended the Health and Safety Code to allow facilities that are currently licensed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to also provide IMS to patients in need.

This allows Cornerstone’s medical staff to better address serious physical and mental issues associated with detoxification, treatment, or recovery services.

IMS that can be provided at Cornerstone

IMS allows our treatment team to better plan and work with patients on their recovery journey. This includes:

  • Obtaining medical histories.
  • Monitoring a patient’s health status to determine whether they need to be transferred to receive urgent or emergency care.
  • Testing associated with detoxification from alcohol or drugs.
  • Providing alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment services.
  • Overseeing a patient's self-administered medications.
  • Treating substance abuse disorders, including detoxification.

We are here for you

If you or someone you care about is suffering from the painful grip of addiction to alcohol or drugs, we can help.
Call Today (714) 547-5375